Monday, August 15, 2011

Project 1 - Expert Sorting Priority

The Problem
Everyone knows business is bad right now. It's tougher than ever to get cases and make a decent profit, even if you sit online all day, with the schedule, and the phone2service. What's wrong? It's a combination of factors, here are the significant ones I'm aware of:

1) Recent downturn of traffic due to summer vacations, etc.

2) Huge volume of new experts being certified, with no end in sight.
3) Subcontracted companies such as Infolink sucking up cases.

Number one is probably the biggest reason, but we can't really do much about that. I'm going to try and address problem number two instead; basically, the fact that we're drowning in a sea of noobs, and there isn't enough work to go around.

Mission Statement

Hey everyone. This is a small page I've put together to organize expert rallies for positive change in SupportSpace business practices. This will primarily take the form of carpet bombing S2 representatives' email addresses with petitions, repeatedly, until they respond to our requests in some capacity beyond "yeah yeah we hear you shut up", as they typically do. We're not going to try and start making say-yes-or-we'll-riot type demands, ala the usual strikes, but with your help, I hope we can make them STOP IGNORING US.

Our first project, should you choose to support it, will be to fix the issues we're currently seeing with expert list sorting, the schedule, and the handling of chat vs. P2S cases. More information to come soonish.